I know, I know that I have been promising to show my first Amigurmi that I have ever made and here she is. I made this beauty for my daughter Abi. Her favorite animal is a cat and her favorite color is yellow. She loves it so much, even though one leg is longer than the other. I think I did pretty good considering I am learning to crochet and this is my first ever Ami.

This is her backside and somehow her tail didn't turn out as long as it should.

Now check out this couple!!! Aren't they a match made in Heaven. Well Camo Dog I made for my son next. He was my second try at Amigurumi land. I think he turned out much better than Kitty did but as long as Abi and Joey loved them that is all that matters.

Here's an up close of Camo Dog, to me he looks more like a bear but he is suppose to be a dog.

I just loved this camo yarn I purchased at Walmart. It comes out perfect just like I painted camouflage on him.

Well I know what everybody says about getting hooked litterly on Ami's because I can't wait to start on my new gal for Abi. She is a cat of course but she is wearing a hula shirt and she is a free pattern. On my next post I will show you what these babies were suppose to look like and I will tell you where to get the free pattern of the Cat wearing the Hula skirt.
Love Ya,