Hi everybody!! I am so excited. I sent off my package of swap goodies to my swap partner Laura of
My Little Orange Kitchen. This was my 1st swap ever and it was
her's too. She was a great Swap partner and I sure hope she likes everything I got her. Now lets begin showing you what I got for her
This 1st picture is of a vintage
ceramic bowl.
This second picture is of vintage salt and pepper shakers that were made by Native Americans. Her kitchen is orange and I hope they go well.

The third picture is of a vintage
Oriental tea pot and saucer.
The fourth picture is of a vintage coffee can that I hand sewed a liner in and hand sewed the lid also and added a vintage button to the top. I sure hope you like it. Also in the picture above you can see a vintage table cloth that I forgot to take a pic of by itself.

And this is my darling daughter Abi who wanted her picture taken with all of the goodies.

Well I better go, it's time for bed for my babies and I wanted to show what I got for Laura and when I
receive my goodies I will post to show my goodies also. I hope everyone has a great weekend and many blessings.