She got me a vintage egg beater that is a beautiful pink. I have never seen one of these in pink before. I will cherish this forever!!
These are all vintage cookbooks dating back to the 1930s. She also got me a Duro Decal dating back to the 40s.
These lovely tea towels look wonderful in my kitchen!!!
I just love my pink Pyrex serving dish. I have never had or seen one of these before. I am in LOVE!!!
I used all of the ribbon she used to wrap my goodies in and put them around my two magnets she made for me. She made them out of vintage cook books. Also look at the wonderful salt shaker!! Then take a look at the vintage birthday candle holders and the wonderful sachet she put them in.
I will always cherish this swap given by Garb-oodles Soup. It was my first and I know it won't be my last. Last by not least, Thank you Laura for being such a wonderful person and a great swap partner. She was so generous and I hope you liked what I got you also.
Kelli! It was great having you as a partner and I'm so relieved you like the items! I had so much fun and as you know, I loved the box you sent me too. Thank you!
Hi there: I decided to do another swap! the vintage book and bookmark swap hosted by the Polka Dot Pixie! I hope you enjoy yours too!
that is the cutest! :D
(the administrator of Pretty Vintage Dinnerware)
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