Hello everybody. I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, I want to apologize to all of my blog friends out there for not posting lately. My LCD screen to my computer went out and we didn't have the money to replace it yet. I was going on my Mom's computer, but she didn't have the software to upload pictures on hers. So finally my dear husband Joe hooked the computer to our Flat Screen TV in the living room. So I am up and running on my make shift TV.
I want to apologize to my swap partner of the Black cat and pumpkin swap. I have not been able to post any pictures of her swap items I made for her. She has them posted on her blog and I am so glad she liked everything I made her. I promise tomorrow I will get those pics up so everybody can see them.
In other news, I went antiquing in the great city of Eden N.C. I will also post some pics of my finds tomorrow also.
Again, it is great to be back and I will get to blogging like crazy starting tomorrow.
P.S. Don't you just love the Halloween picture above. It reminds me of Michael Myers or the Halloween movies. I am a horror freak and I love watching all of the Halloween series this time of year. My husband just shakes his head, because after I watch these scary movies I don't like to be up by myself. Tell me what is your favorite horror movie? I would love to know.
This is the trailer to the original Halloween movie. If stuff like this bothers you, please please don't watch it because I don't want to offend anybody. I just thought some of you would enjoy.
Many Blessing to you all.